Sunday, July 31, 2016

Go Ahead, Make My Day (That Day is Tuesday November 8th)

The fact that Hillary Clinton has been accused of many corrupt and "crooked" dealings is surely proof that she is corrupt and "crooked".

The fact that she has never been convicted or even charged with any of the crimes that she so surely has committed is proof that she is above the law and can get away with being corrupt and "crooked".

Does the cognitive dissonance that holding the above ideas cause blood vessels in your head to spontaneously explode?

I'm not saying that Hillary Clinton is as pure as the driven snow, or that she doesn't possess a healthy portion of arrogance, but why has that suddenly become a requirement for a Presidential candidate?

People have been gunning for Hillary Clinton for years, and yet nothing sticks. If she's guilty of all that she is accused of, then she apparently has control over the criminal justice system and the Republicans in Congress, because after the longest Congressional investigation in history, which followed seven other Congressional committee investigations, the purpose of which, the committee chairman admitted, was to bring down Hillary Clinton, they came up with nothing.

The idea that the Hillary Clinton is corrupt and "crooked" is part of the media narrative that has been stoked and lovingly nurtured over the last two decades with little or no real evidence, and latched upon by not only the Republicans, but by other Democrats to whom she isn't progressive enough. Everything she does is interpreted in light of this makes a good story. And for most people, they dislike Hillary Clinton because they are told that they should.

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