Sunday, November 6, 2016

Clinton vs. Trump

As the ugliest and muddiest of presidential election campaigns draws to a close, a few more thoughts.

First of all, no matter who wins, I doubt that most of us will see much change in our day-to-day lives. And no matter who wins, there's a Congress who will probably not cooperate with either candidate overly much and there's another election in four years. Despite the gloom and doom, the Democrats survived eight years of George W. Bush and the Republicans survived eight years of Barack Obama. I've heard from people on both sides who are convinced that the Republic will be destroyed if the opposing candidate is elected. This doesn't mean that I think that the election doesn't matter, I think it does. If you're a conservative, you undoubtedly believe that Hillary Clinton's policies are not good for the country, or that you do not want to see liberal justices added to the Supreme Court. If you're liberal you see Donald Trump to be a dangerous loose cannon.

As most of my friends know, I support Hillary Clinton. Yes, I am aware of the accusations about The Clinton Foundation, Benghazi and the emails. From what I have read and the conclusions that I have drawn from the available information, my opinion is that while it looks bad on the surface, there is a lot of smoke and no fire. I realize that reasonable people may disagree. It is my opinion that if there were no private email server, no Benghazi deaths, no Clinton Foundation, the Republicans would create something to hold hearings about, like the never-ending Benghazi hearings that failed to conclude any wrongdoing despite a stated goal of bringing Clinton down . The Republicans have made it their mission to obstruct and character assassinate at every turn. The Obama administration has been hobbled at every turn by Republicans, whose main goal was to make Obama a one term president, and when that failed, to stop him from accomplishing anything. Their refusal to even hold hearings on a Supreme Court nominee is a case in point, with their suggestions that they may do the same if Clinton is elected further evidence of their lack of integrity. Some are even discussing impeachment before she is even elected. It is the Republican obstructionism which caused me to decide that, for the foreseeable future I would not vote for another Republican, even locally.

Donald Trump also provides plenty of reasons not to vote for him. He is a divisive figure, crude and insulting to be sure. He spews hate at every turn. But the main reason that I could not vote for him, other than my vow not to vote for Republicans any time soon, is simply that he does not know what he is talking about, does not know what he is doing, and sees no problem with shouting out "facts" and figures that have no basis in reality. He says that he will do things that are either unfeasible, not affordable or illegal. He shouts out things that people want to hear and has no idea how things work, not just politically, but economically. He has no idea how complex things are. He is in way over his head. Think he's going to bring back manufacturing jobs? He has no idea how, but he'll certainly have someone to blame when it doesn't happen. The same with all of his other ephemeral "policies".

Some people think that once Trump is in office, he'll settle down, bring in "the best people" and act presidential. As Terry Pratchett wrote, 'a leopard won't change his shorts' - Trump had the opportunity to bring in "the best people", but listens only to himself, why would anyone think that once he is the occupant of the Oval Office he'll suddenly get all meek and humble?

I do predict, that with the current political climate, whoever is elected will be a one-term president.

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