Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Balance does not mean always walking at the perfect midpoint between two extremes, or always settling for mediocrity; balance is an average. Is the weather here in Nebraska always 100° plus? Or it it sometimes very cold? Or in-between? Doesn't the day vary from very bright at noon to pitch-black at midnight? Our lives are like that. Walking the balance could mean that some weeks you are putting your whole heart and soul into your 9-5, other times work just isn't the priority. Our health, our hobbies, our politics, our religion, our jobs, our families are all a continuum of light and dark, fast and slow, important-at-the-moment and it-can-wait. 

The challenge in living a balanced life is that sometimes there are just so many things that you want to do that there just isn't enough time for it all. Don't get so swept away and caught up in by those things that insist on our attention that the quiet whispering voices of what could be go unheard. 

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